By Dorothea Garner

Despite his similarities in choices, every male has a unique style. Although he may attempt to keep up with the latest trends, his focus is finding cool boy clothes that are affordable and durable. Found in most retail stores, he also has the option of shopping online.

Mom and Dad are the first people to introduce their baby boy to any style of clothing. Typically found in a layette or diaper and t-shirt, during this stage in life his clothing choices are multi-functional. The baby can play or sleep in them. Since the layette makes diaper changing easy, mom and dad will generally keep the baby in his t-shirt until it is time to run an errand.

As he grows older and learns to make better decisions, the preteen's choice in clothing will also change. He begins to notice the latest style the other boys and pop stars his age are wearing. This style is generally simple.

Once he reaches the higher grades, he may want to dress like the pop stars or other a-list celebrities. However, dressing like a pop star can be very costly. In order to help with the costs, the parents may encourage their son get a part time job to cover some of the expenses. This will also teach him to value his money and use it wisely.

Every body should have dress clothes in their wardrobe for special occasions. Unless it is a formal event, a pair of casual slacks and polo shirt will fit the occasion. For males, the most popular color for dress slacks are blue, beige, brown, black and khaki.

Once the young man becomes a preteen or teenager, his style preference becomes very clear. Because most children at this age desire to fit in with the crowd, he will purchase his clothing from the same stores as his friends. Depending on the clothing designer, shopping at a specialty store can be very expensive. Depending on the teen's age, he will be able to get a job to help with the cost of purchasing his clothing. It will also teach him to manage his money.

Dress clothing are not very popular among most teens; however, it is important to have at least one outfit in the closet. Unlike girls, their selection is limited. A young man's casual outfit is usually a pair of nicely pressed pants and a button up shirt. He will also wear a pair of penny loafers, or plain walking shoes to complete the ensemble. In the summer, he can exchange his penny loafers for sandals.

Since all boys are not the same size, retailers carry extended sizes. The extended sizes includes slim, tall, and husky. A husky pair of pants will fit a child who is heaver than the average child his age. Slim fits a male who is thinner than most children his age while tall is for a person with more height. In most cases, the cool boy clothes in the slim and tall sizes are interchangeable.

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