Finding Custom Civil War Gowns

Posted by Georgy | 5/30/2013

By Rena Hudson

Anyone who enjoys the popular pastime of historical reenactments is aware of just how important proper clothing can be in maintaining accuracy. If people are not dressed accordingly, the point can be all but lost. For women, civil war gowns are incredibly important in keeping the proper look and feel of an event alive.

When many people think of gowns, they are likely to imagine fancy, formal dresses that would be worn to parties and balls. However, different types were also commonly worn every day, and many of these are also available for various situations. Work dresses would represent a more uniform-like type of clothing designed for more utilitarian wear, while day dresses would be worn in the home, during everyday life.

Ball gowns are readily available too, of course. These are best for more formal occasions, and can be quite elaborate affairs made of beautiful, colored fabrics with many ruffles and ribbons attached. These are the most likely types to be used for things other than reenactments, as some women even choose to adopt the style for their wedding dresses or other modern special garments.

Obtaining a dress of this type is quite easy, as there are many different options for those who wish to do so. Making one for yourself, as some women of the time may have done, can feel very authentic. For those who would like to take this route, there are plentiful pattern options, and many pictures from the period that can be viewed to provide inspiration in creating one.

If you do not wish to undertake the project yourself, there are still many creators who offer their services. Here, you will usually have the choice of selecting a ready-made design or requesting a special custom one if you have something specific in mind. Depending on which one you choose, your price range will vary, but a suitable one will no doubt be available from one of the many sources.

If you choose to have a dress custom made, you will need to provide detailed information to the creator so that it turns out the way you want. The design should be very clearly specified, as well as details, trim, and type of fabric. Of course, he or she will also need detailed measurements from you, so stay in communication to find out exactly what is necessary.

Once you have chosen the right gown, it is important not to forget the accessories that will complete the look. This obviously includes such things as shoes, bonnets, and period-appropriate jewelry. However, you should also make sure not to forget undergarments, as many of these dresses will require a corset, among other things.

Civil war gowns, no matter how they are used, have the ability to transport the wearer into a different time and place. They can give you a closer connection to your ancestors as you imagine how you might have dressed if you lived in that time along with them. Finding the right one is sure to make your next special event or reenactment even more perfect.

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