By Kealey Smith

Everybody sees the daily journey as something very dull, but there are so many ways you can spice up your commute that there is no need to stress about the length of the journey anymore. All you really need is numerous things to distract yourself. Download a fun app where you can guess the celebrity, read a classic novel or perhaps get some work done - there are plenty of tactics to have a laugh.


Before you leave the house, add all of your favourite albums to your MP3 player. On your walk to the train station, or in your automobile you'll adore having some much loved tunes playing in your ear or on your auto sound system. Perhaps even set up a playlist full of uplifing songs for the day that may get you motivated on the way to work or tunes that can help you unwind on the journey home.


Begin to read - it's great for hiking up your vocabulary and is also a great conversation starter with other book lovers. If carrying heavy books around doesn't appeal to you, invest in a tablet or a Kindle which is lightweight and permits you to carry lots of different types of book around to suit whatever mood you're in.


Whether or not it's having a great time with a Sudoku book or playing game applications on your phone, there are lots of entertaining games and puzzles you can do on your commute to and from work. They are excellent for distracting you from the nerve wracking day ahead and can also help you relax on the journey home. Play classic games such as Solitaire, or try fresh ones where you can sketch pictures or guess the celebrity for a little bit of light-hearted fun.


Catch up on your emails, text your pals or even speak with the individual next to you (this could be a frightful concept if you're a London commuter). It passes the time and can really make your commute more fun - most importantly it implies you can catch up with those people you haven't spoken to in a while. If you're calling though, try hard not to be one of those folks that has a loud telephone conversation the full train carriage can hear!


If you like your job, doing more work on your commute can actually make it more fun! After you have sat down on your train it is possible to get out your tablet, notebook or tablet and start typing up the minutes of the meeting you've been in, entering information, emailing co-workers or whatever else. OK, so that the work itself may not be fun but if you can come up with a way to be more productive on your journey from and to work, then you can have more time for having a good time with your family at home.

Social Networks

A good way of killing a little time (and naturally having a good time) is to get Facebook or Twitter up on your phone or other handheld device and browse through your friends posts and tweets. You never can tell, you could discover a stream of extraordinarily entertaining tweets that may keep you chuckling all the way to work!

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