By Jennie Sandoval

Muslims are well known for tying turbans. A green turban is particularly significant among different faiths. It is a long piece of cloth made from cotton or synthetics. For most people, it is worn for customary purposes.

They are a symbol with Indian, Afghan, and Sikh men, as well as Iranian leaders and Muslim religious leaders. In the holy Quran, (7: 31) Surah Al A raf tries to tell the Children of Adam to Wear their beautiful apparel at every time and place of prayer: To eat and drink: But not to waste any excess, for God loves people who are not wasteful. In the Muslim religion, Muhammad is a religious leader who always had a turban placed on top of his cap. This is a sign of obeying Sunnah, so many Muslims wear the head covering as Muhammad did.

The Sikh men tie their head dressings in a peaked angle to partly as a cover up to their long hair which is never cut out of their respect for God. The Muslim religious elders head gear is referred to as a kalansuwa. Their style of tying ranges from conical, or spherical. The color of the Muslim religious leaders head gear ranges. The most holy color is said to be White.

A less common color is green. This color is believed to be the color of paradise, but is not as popular as white. In Indian culture this color is used to signify class, and on rarer occasions, profession or religious affiliation.

The color in most avenues is not a primary concern however some little significance is attached to it. Different scholars have mentioned four colors used. They are white color, black and light yellow with a yellow shade.

Green garments particularly in a dream are symbols of peace and devotion. If a person who has passed on is seen with this color in a dream, it is then believed that they are in a better place. Further, it is assumed that they are in a place where they are enjoying the work of their hands and the good works they did here on earth. This shade has been interpreted to show that one has complied to the will of Allah. In short, it is a good-benefits color.

Just as different colors carry meaning or association to specific groups, so does the length and material. For more formal settings, such as weddings or religious programs, a longer head cloth is usually worn. A longer one, called a Domalla, is more than 10 meters in length, where one that measures to 5 or 6 yards is referred to as a Pagri. They also have different fabric varieties. These include; Mal mal- a light weight fine fabric, Voile- A lighter fabric, Rubia- medium weight fabric.

Sun ah of Saba h is the term used to refer to the act of wearing the green turban. It is considered as the most favored head gear color to Prophet Allah. In as much as it is religious, its meaning has been eroded in the United states with stereotypes that it is a common appearance with terrorists. Regardless of this believe by the western world, the elimination of these Head cloths is far from over especially with the firm believe that this is a means to get closer to God. Religion being our backbone, the Turban wearers are as equal as those who do not dress up in them .

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