By Jennie Sandoval

Color has a certain way of communicating certain aspects of our personalities. It is one of the most powerful cues of non-verbal communication whose power goes beyond the spoken word. They represent and act as a constant reminder of certain events, memories, places, and people among other things. The specific colors we choose to be associated with in our homes and decor, cars, dressing are effective communication tools that lets the world know who we are. In the same way, turban colors symbolize certain aspects of their wearers.

Color is an important aspect of turbans in terms of what they represent and what they are used for. Although the meaning encoded in each color may be different among religions, they usually display the social cast of individuals wearing them. The various colors represent wealth, prosperity and specific events. The height of the turban is also a significant feature and carries a certain message.

It is a common headwear in many religions, particularly, Islam and Sikhism. It is fashioned from a long and slender piece of cloth and is worn on the head. This headdress is a customary headdress in many societies and is mostly worn by men. Wrapping a turban signifies the traditions, beliefs, customs and the unique personality of an individual. Most societies associated with turbans use them to uphold and preserve their culture.

Turbans are designed in a wide variety of colors. The most common ones are navy blue, white, black, orange and green. The quality of the turban is determined by the material used. To take care of the varied tastes and preferences and to make them affordable for everyone, different materials are used. They include silk, synthetics and fine muslin. Regardless of the type of fabric, they always look attractive.

The various religious leaders and scholars in Islamic countries are known to wear wraps that are white in color over a special cap. Individuals though to have directly descended from the lineage of Prophet Muhammad prefer to wear black wraps. Bright turbans are a common feature in joyful events such as marriages and are usually decorated with special materials. Dull and plain wraps commonly feature in solemn events including funerals

The practice of wearing turbans is highly regarded and is viewed as a proper and descent way of dressing. It signifies highly regarded qualities and values within the society such as devotion, dignity and manhood. The Islamic communities believe that green and white are the colors in paradise. Turbans with these colors are therefore wrapped during prayer as part of observing a religious law according the Quran. Others wrap it to influence the answering of the prayers they make.

Orange and navy have significance in the Sikh community. They are worn on special commemorative events and on days of particular religious observance. A Pink fabric is worn while attending special occasions such as weddings, engagement ceremonies and other major events. Many people wear white turbans on a daily basis as part of their religious beliefs.

Generally, any color or design one chooses to wear is acceptable. In most cases the selection is made based on the personal preference of an individual. Although there are those that are favorites for certain events and occasions, there is no rules governing turban colors and designs.

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