By Vicki Diaz

It may be easier buying your own dolls, but making them alone can also be such an enjoyable thing do. Making handmade teddy bears is not as complicated as most people think. With the right materials and tips, you can come up with some very nice looking products everyone will love. Read the following useful suggestions to help you in your future efforts.

It is important to put enough emphasis on the head of your teddy if it is to look good. Stuffing of the fiber or the material you decide to use need to be done evenly and in a firm manner. If everything is not firmly placed, you are likely to end up with a bloated end product. When beginning, you can form a round shape using your left hand.

How you place the eyes and ears of your teddy bears greatly determines its character. To achieve a cuter look, ensure that the eyes are fixed wide apart with the ears at the top corners of the head. However, when you want to achieve a shabby look, the eyes should be placed closer with the ears lowered. It is important to test each look to find out if it comes out as you wanted it.

Sometimes you will have to change your designs repeatedly depending on how you feel or the opinions you get. You can place eyes either further or closer to each other before placing your work somewhere for a few days. If you do feel satisfied with the look, you can change the position until you find what you need.

You need a quilter pin when testing ear placement. Again, it is important that you put your work somewhere for some time. This will give you the opportunity to find out if you really like what you see. You can always change the look by moving the ears back and forth and doing the test repeatedly until you are satisfied.

Your end product needs a nice looking nose that is rightfully placed near the center of the head. The size matters here. The nose should be proportional to the body unless you want to give it a cartoonish appearance. Take time to get pictures of some of the teddies you like from the internet or magazines and use them to create your favorite noses.

Clothing determines the character of your teddies and you must get the right dresses they will look nice in. It is also easy to know whether they are male or female by making use of different dresses. You can get a nice old cloth of approximately one by three inches, make a knot at the center and use it as a necktie or hair ribbon.

Even handmade teddy bears need good names. The character that comes out of your final artwork should help you choose an appropriate name. You can also just name them after your friends, workmates, popular persons or family members.

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