By Kathryn Neal

If you pause for a few moments and take a look at your place, one thing should become quite apparent. This is your place and the different things inside it are yours alone, they can be seen as an extension of what and who you really are. Custom flatware, cookware and glassware are some some items that help make an impression of you. So do the various designer aprons you often wear while you are cooking.

Time was back in the 40's and 50's most ladies made their own aprons. They were functional and helped to protect the common house wife's more expensive dresses from spills and tears. They also allowed them to be glamorous in a moments notice when their husbands came home or company came calling.

Generally people are surprised to learn that this is but one aspect of this old time garb. Through out history they were used for things from military and secret society uniforms to useful protective coverings for blacksmiths and butchers. Their are even old depictions where Adam and Eve are wearing smock like items that look like aprons.

In a working environment they are typically used for protective coverings for people who are wearing them. The blacksmith's apron is typically made from heavy leather. This helps protects him from the extreme heat of his forge and the embers which could come off the metal he is working on. They also help to protect them from any hot oils they use to temper their various metals.

A butchers smock is made from a lighter material generally cotton or wool historically though synthetic fibers are often used in the present days. The biggest purpose for them is to protect the butcher from the nastiness from the animals he is cutting up. They also help to protect him from scrapes and abrasions from the cutting utensils he must use to perform his job.

There are different secret societies that have aprons as a part of its normal dress. The most commonly known of these societies is likely the Free Masons group. It is believed their dress dates to the known style of dress most Egyptian royalty employed in their regular day to day activities. These were believed to be the types of clothes that were really worn by Egyptian gods.

More recently the designer apron is often chosen by men to complement his favorite barbecuing equipment. They generally sport witty little quotes like kiss the chef, I'm really not drunk or I'm the chef. Following the same principle is the thought that though men do buy them, many times they are often given for gifts to men by their spouses and children.

The simple apron has a rich history of many different people using them down through the ages. Gone are the days when only hardworking men and house wives use them. With the renewed popularity of gourmet cooking designer aprons are making a huge come back. They can be found in most cooking stores as well as on line, So now when you are looking for a meaningful gift for that special someone, nothing beats a custom made apron.

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