By Eitan Samuel

I don't have to tell you how important it is to get your products to be well photographed. If you have any type of business wither its an online business or a local store,it is highly recommended for you to make the best presentation of the products you sell. Many times I'm asked for tips to help getting better results while trying to photograph the products with no photography knowledge, so if you are one of those, this article is for you, I'll offer here some tips that you should follow and you'll see the the results won't be late to come.

What will be the best background for my shootout? No single answer is available here. You can probably think that as most of the products photographed for web presentation are made on white paper background, but this default choose isn't always the single best one. If you don't have one or can't afford buying a roll of white paper background you can in many cases photograph small objects on a normal A4 paper, more over, if you try to photograph bigger products, you might as well buy a big plain Bristol sheet and use it as a background.

Do I need to use professional flashes? NO the answer is no! Although Pro lights will help you get more control over the situation, it doesn't says immediately that it will be the best way to photograph your products. I started my product photography career using a simple DIY Softbox that I built on a weekend project, it was a fun thing to do and also let me start and learn the principles of light and lighting on budget. Only as I continued to develop my photography skills I bought more equipment and grow my lighting knowledge. So you can start small, test your improvement and if you fell like, you can buy more. More information about here: DIY Photography heaven.

What will be the prefect position? No fixed answer for this one. I like very much to photograph products out of the studio. I like to bring them to their natural place and bring some life into the images I take. Its pretty easy to see how a hot cup of coffee will look much better if you photograph it on a wooden table with a newspaper beside it. It will sell much more than just a cup of coffee on a white paper background, wouldn't it? Its your responsibility to take some creativity into your photos and make the look better!

Angles - many times on product angle won't be enough, so if already started photographing the products using some kind of a product photography setup , make some more simple product photography setups and get some more angles. Who know maybe the setup that you like isn't the exact one that other people or the majority likes.

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