By Jana Porter

Looking at what's going on in the world today, some often wish they could go back to the days when life was not so complicated. Everything seemed cheaper and people appeared to be a lot happier. The shows that came on were more family-friendly, and were not filled with as much violence and vulgarity the way they are today. The Amos and Andy DVD are a perfect example of good, clean, family fun.

The popular show, Amos and Andy, was a radio series in its earlier stages and then later transition to television. The show was on the air for about 30 years. However, most of those episodes can be purchased on DVD for your pleasure.

The popular series was first broadcast in 1928. Chicago, Illinois was the birthplace in which it was first aired on the radio. The series was written by Charles Correll and Freeman Gosden. The two also did the narration. They often brought about controversy for the fact that they were white men portraying black men. The show eventually reached forty million viewers, and was on six days out of the week.

The theme is based on two characters who journey from their home located in Atlanta, Georgia, in order to move to Chicago. They take nothing with them but their bare necessities, and as a result, experience tough times.

Amos was noted as being the one who was dominant in nature, whereas Andy was considered the family man. The show went through many transitions until it was later moved to a television series. However this time, the lead men were played by black actors. This popular series lead to the production of 78 episodes.

This popular radio show entered the Radio Hall of Fame in 1988. However, there are many DVDs that are sold that offer different episodes of the show. Family members will be delighted to transition back into time to experience humor at its finest. Read more about: amos and andy dvd

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