By Russ Howe

The six rules of life is one of the most inspirational and motivational talks ever given. This Arnold Schwarzenegger speech given in 2009 has helped countless people to take charge of their lives and push forward through adversity. Today we look at how these rules shape up.

As we start out it is important to realize that the speech was not about bodybuilding. Many people wrongly assume this is about lifting weights when in fact it's purely about your overall life. If you are trying to learn how to lose weight fast or build muscle quickly you can surely apply these rules, of course, but the bottom line here is this should be applied to your career, your family life and any other aspect you are looking to get more from.

Watch the full Arnold Schwarzenegger speech here.

1. Trust Yourself.

2. Never Be Scared Of Breaking The Rules.

3. Say No To A Fear Of Failure.

4. Ignore Naysayers Who Tell You That You Will Fail.

5. Work Your Butt Off.

6. Give Back To Your Community.

Now let's delve into these rules and discover exactly what Arnold means by each one.

Most of us don't trust ourselves enough to follow through with the things we would really like to achieve. This results in many people being stuck in careers they never really wanted or lifestyles they don't truly value. If you don't trust yourself enough to be who you want to be, you'll never be truly happy.

The easiest way to stand out for yourself is to do things the unconventional way and that's what Arnold is getting at with the second rule.

There will be hard times ahead, there is no doubt about that. So the third rule deals with the fear of failure and what it can do to wreck your dreams if you let it. If you are scared of what might happen if you don't get things right the first time you will fail. Which is ridiculous, given that the thing which caused it was your fear of failing itself. Nobody has ever made it in life without overcoming adversity at some point.

It is very easy to allow other people to negatively impact your drive and your focus. Quite often these naysayers will do it purely because they feel bad about their own lives and it takes their attention away from their own problems to put others down instead. Rule number four is simple, do not listen to the naysayers or they will drag you down with them.

To get anywhere in life you will need to live by one single mantra. Work your butt off. That's the key to success, after all. When all the talking and dreaming of where you want to be is done you are left with the task of simply putting the hard work in.

The last rule is the most overlooked but undoubtedly the one which brings the most satisfaction and cements you rise to greatness. By giving something back you enable others to lift themselves from their desperate situations the same way you did. Think about it, that's exactly what Arnold did in writing this famous speech for you.

When you begin applying these rules to your own lifestyle you will be amazed at how effective they become over time. You will notice opportunities opening up in every walk of life as you pursue your dream like never before.

Even if you are just looking at how to lose weight fast or ways to build a more muscular physique, these rules will help you a massive amount. But ultimately they are designed for life itself, and this Arnold Schwarzenegger speech is designed to stay with you every single day to remind you of the easy steps necessary to accomplish anything you desire in your lifetime.

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