By Clwyd Probert

There are several strategies to generate clients on the web. The three most well-liked strategies are:

- Universal listing in the search sites like Google
- PPC (Pay-per-click) advertising
- Paid adverts in online websites and directories

The method you use will depend on numerous factors and each methodology might be relevant for different photographers at various times in their economic cycle. Let's look at each system in turn and analyse its strengths and weaknesses. In this post we are going to look at the first of these methods.

Universal Listing In The Search Sites

In theory, this is the best method and the one that every snapper wants. Everyone would like to be number one in Google for the search phrase 'wedding photography'. However with approximately 95 million (95,000,000) webpages being returned for this keyword phrase, it's not reasonable for most photographers to try and reach that goal. However by carful use of SEO (Search Engine Optimization) systems either through work on their own or by hiring a specialist SEO consultant, it is possible to aim at less competitive terms which would be targeted on a local area such as 'wedding photography Surrey ' and drive traffic this way.

It is important to follow some essential rules before launching on a SEO campaign. Remember the three things that really must be in place before you consider promoting a particular keyphrase for your website:

- The term must be topical for your business. There is no point in being number one on Google if the people that come to your website are not especially interested in what you do
- The term must drive traffic. Use the Google keyword tool to guesstimate the number of visitors you'll get if you do well for the term Remember the 1 spot takes a high proportion of all traffic.
- The term should have low competition. If you try to challenge a strong existing competitor, then it could take you a considerable time to generate results, if ever.

The drawback is that the effort required to do the market analysis, change the internet site and promote it takes both time and money and the results aren't instant. A typical SEO campaign will take 3 to 6 months to begin to generate results.

Conclusion: A good methodology for the long term. Research the field and hire a SEO expert to help. The time and money invested will pay off.

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