By Anne McKinney

Children photography is a financially rewarding activity for studio photographers. If you're a photographer specializing in indoor photography or you have a studio and you want to expand your service, this particular field shouldn't be ignored. However, taking pictures of children is totally different from taking pictures of adults simply because children are different from adults. By keeping in mind certain aspects of children, taking their pictures becomes much easier.

Any professional photographer engaging in this type of photography must remember is that the children's mood can change quite easily. One moment, a child can be quite playful and outgoing and the next be reserved. This makes having children follow directions and instructions difficult. One good tip is to first interact with your subject before anything else. Try to make the child feel at comfortable with you by talking to him/her. Once you have established a bond with your subject, making that child follow instructions becomes much easier.

The best pictures of children are taken when they are totally unaware of what is happening around them. Unlike family photography which is better if scripted, Children photography works best when it's totally natural and candid. Keep this in mind and do your best to capture that perfect shot while the subject is at play. You can achieve this by having a number of toys lying around and within reach of your subject. You could also request the parent to participate by letting the mom or dad interact with their child.

Another thing you'll want to consider is keeping the photo session shorter than most other sessions. Since kids switch moods faster than adults, you might find a smiling, pleasant child one moment and a screaming, crying one the next. If you can take photos of the smiling child early on, you won't need to keep the photo op running for too long.

Taking a child's photograph and capturing that sense of innocence and wonderment forever can be a very fulfilling experience. By tapping into your inner child, you might find yourself thinking like one and consequently taking better pictures. Who knows, you might finish this session seeing the world from their point of view, with a little less cynicism. This is a reward beyond the fee your clients will be giving you!

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