By Conrad Oconnorton

Juxtapost is a new postboarding service that allows users to browse photographic content on the Internet and then bookmark it. This ultra-convenient new tool is useful for website owners, freelance writers, students and professionals who are seeking a way to organize photograph content. Once the visitor chooses a photo they are interested in, it is saved to a postboard on the social website. Users may then share, export or simply view their selection at a later time. This an efficient and convenient way to store all your photographic content in one place, ready when you need it.

One of the most powerful features of the website is the 'More Like This' button' that can be clicked while viewing an image. If you are looking at a silver fork, for example. Click on the button to bring up dozens or even hundreds of photographs of silver forks. These can be exported into documents to produce blogs, reports, presentations, newsletters and more.

Another valuable characteristic of this new photo sharing site is the ability to make pinboards private. This is useful if you are not yet ready to display your work. It also comes in handy if you simply don't want the world to know what you are looking at!

The people at Juxtapost love what they do. Every detail is thoroughly discussed, brainstormed and crafted to perfection. This commitment to members is the reason for its success. User comments are studied eagerly; the team is constantly looking for ways to provide the content and features that their members want.

A big part of keeping customers happy is listening to what they want and enhancing the application to find new ways of categorizing and filing content. Many other sites have long-winded procedures just to bookmark content. There is even a name for it - content fatigue. Monir Boktor, founder of the company, is constantly on the lookout for innovative ways of streamlining procedures.

Getting started is easy. It is not necessary to log in through any other social networking site. Unlike some other pinboard communities, you don't need to wait for an invitation, either.

The 'Juxtit' feature is brand new. This button can be added to members' own websites to enable readers to post content onto their own postboards. This is a great way to get your own message out. Juxtapost review constantly to stay on top of members' comments and get new ideas for making their service even more awesome.

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Web site development, PHP programming's Fan Box