By Sharlene Fleming

Customized or personalized shirts are commonly available at both online and traditional brick-and-mortar stores these days. But the downside to these clothing items is that they are far too expensive. The solution for people interested in customized biker shirts lies in designing them on your own. To create that amazing shirt, all that you need is your shirt, your artwork, your paints and your personalized shirt would be ready for you to put it on.

Custom shirts are used not just by bikers but normal individuals as well to give out some sort of a message. Everyone wants the world to know what they truly are all about. The best part is that customizing a shirt at home is that doing so is extremely easy and can be achieved without any help. To begin things, go through your cupboard and try to find white shirts. If one is not available, head to the local store where you get your other clothing items from and purchase one. Be wise in your choice of color as the shirt will serve as base for your design.

Go through the instruction at the tag of the shirt carefully before purchasing it. Make sure that the shirt you pick out is color-friendly. The reason is that a good base is that which works fine with colors, so make sure that you look into it.

Moving on, the next thing that you need is fabric paint. Get to the stores and figure out which colors you wish to use on your personalized shirt. Make sure that you do not choose paper color as that is surely going to destroy your clothes. Fabric colors, as obvious, are meant to be used over fabrics so these are not affected by washing or ironing.

Once you have got yourself both these items, return back home and go through the internet to find some of the coolest designs around. What interests people most is that they can come up with their own designs as well. If this is the case, than just grab yourself a pencil and paper and draw out a rough sketch just so you can work out how it would look on your shirt.

Intricate drawings and gothic designs are not really cool these days. Customizations of these kinds look rather outdated. However, the placement of text is a great idea too. Put your brain cells to work and formulate the best possible designs.

As soon as you decide the drawing, design or text that you want on your shirt, take the pencil and draw the same over your shirt. This would need exceptionally high artistic skills. Just in case something goes wrong at this point, your shirt would go to waste so make sure that it is neat and tidy and dark enough for your fabric colors to be filled into.

Once you are done making the outline, get your fabric paints out and fill them into the outline that you drew with the pencil. Make sure that you do this very skillfully or the paint would ruin the appearance of your biker shirts. Before ironing the shirt, let it dry for a while and get ready to show it off to the world.

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