By Mirza Sahria Kamal

The best photography software you can buy will depend on the purpose for which you wish to utilise it. Depending on your individual requirements, there are many products available on the market, and below are four of the best and most common. There are so many packages available these days that we can often be led astray by advertising or other interferences:

The first package, great for the novice, is Coral paint shop. This package will fit nicely into a low budget yet has plenty of fantastic features for you to play around with. It is user friendly and comes with a step by step guide for those who are new to digital photography.

One of the most popular packages of recent years really has to be Adobe Photoshop 8. This product, as it is no longer new can be found at a very reasonable price, and has many great features for the digital camera enthusiast.

For those who are slightly more serious about their photography, you have probably heard of Adobe light room. This package is used in professional photography in order to enhance your original images; it is not a package that allows you to have fun with your images, and is therefore suited more to the professional photographer.

The best photography package on the market could well be Adobe Photoshop CS4; far more advanced than the likes of Photoshop 8, this package is also more expensive as well as being aimed at the professional photographer. The price tag is large, but this is made up by the whole range of fantastic features that you will find, enabling you to play around and re touch your images until you find perfection.

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