By Erik Zent

Anyone new in the world of digital photography might be lost because of the unfamiliar terms used. Below are classified as common terms to assist beginner photographers in their journey to advancement. They are arranged from A to Z.

Ambient light - simply indicates the day light. This is basically the light that already exists before supplementing any light with a camera flash.

Aperture - refers to how much light enters into the camera lens which strikes the image sensor to capture images.

Aspect Ratio - the aspect ratio of a camera is the ratio of the length of the sides of any images.

Angle of View - Pertains to the angle covered by the lens of the camera. The angle of view determines the lens type included in a camera.

Bokeh - derived from the Japanese word "boke" meaning the quality of out-of-focus areas of a photographic image.

Compression - this definition is employed to describe the decrease in the dimensions of digital files by eliminating the less important material in the digital image.

Contrast - describes the difference between the darkest and lightest areas in a photo.

Depth of Field - The range of distance in front of and behind an object focused by an optical instrument.

Digital Zoom - describes the zoom-like effect of enlarging the central part of a scene. Unlike the optical zoom, digital zoom simply crops the image to some smaller size, then enlarges the cropped portion to fill the frame again which ends up in significant decrease in image quality.

Dots Per Inch (DPI) - It is the volume of dots of ink per inch whenever a photo is printed. Higher DPI means higher photo quality.

Exposure - a term that refers to the number of light that may be permitted to fall on a digital camera's sensor when taking photos.

Focal Length - the space coming from the surface of the lens to the point of interest is known as focal length. It determines the magnification capability of the lens.

High Key Images - is the word used to describe images mainly consisting of light tones with just a few "highlight" or mid tones. High key images generally have suppressed contrast levels with lighter shadow areas.

ISO - is a term used to describe the lighting sensitivity of a digital camera sensor. It refers to how sensitive the camera's image sensor is.

Key Light - refers to the main light source on a subject or a scene. It is usually the light containing the biggest overall influence on the photograph.

Light Ratio - is the ratio between the main light (key light) and also the fill light. When the light ratio is 2:1, this would mean the main light is doubly bright as the fill light.

Megapixel - it means the scale of a digital camera's sensor that is measured in megapixels and typically abbreviated as MP. The word means 1 million (1,000,000) pixels. The actual size of the sensor really should not be the only thing to look for when comparing digital camera models.

Optical Zoom - is usually a term used to refer to using the lens that lets you come closer to your subject or to include more within your photo. Optical zoom capability offers the best image quality.

Portrait - a pictorial representation of a person, usually showing the facial skin.

Shutter Speed - it refers to how long the shutter is ready to accept the light to strike the sensor.

Zoom - The act of changing the focal length of a zoom lens to show less or more in the photo. Zooming in brings the object closer.

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