By Sharlene Fleming

Nothing is quite as special as welcoming a new baby into the family. It is only natural that parents should wish to capture those precious early days on camera. Immortalizing the spirit of a child that is only days old, via the medium of the photograph, is not easy. For captivating newborn photography Orange County photographers can shoot engaging images that convey that unique essence.

Fun, amateur snaps have a place in every family album. However, it is also nice to have professionally taken images that can be displayed with pride above the mantel piece, or sent to relatives as gifts. A good baby photographer understands not just the importance of angles and composition, but also understands that shooting babies presents unique challenges. Their level of patience needs to match their level of skill.

A genuine professional will also guide new parents successfully through the photo shoot experience. There are bound to be questions, the chosen photographer should be happy to address these and allay any concerns. Effective communication is the key to a successful shoot. If everybody feels at ease things will run more smoothly.

The photographer may be prepared to set up at the family's home. However, undertaking sessions in a studio environment might yield better results. The lighting is usually better and the composition is unfettered by household clutter. The studio should be a safe and baby friendly place. Many baby photographers go out of their way to ensure all the child care facilities needed are on hand.

Very small babies can be unpredictable. They often sleep when you rather they did not, and then wake up at the most inconvenient times. A little careful timing may be needed. To get one of those charming shots of a sleeping infant it is best to time a feed just before the session starts. If an alert and content infant is preferred, then it is important to make sure the baby has napped and been fed before proceeding.

Having sorted out the complexities of the baby's timetable parents will also have to decide what else they want in the portrait. Objects of sentimental value are often included. These could be gifts from grandparents, or perhaps family heirlooms, such as a nursery quilt that has been passed on from parent to child. However, it is important that these objects do not compete with the central subject of the image.

Often babies are photographed alone. A simple image of an infant's face filling the most of the frame can really bring out the distinctive features of the child. Nevertheless, many baby portraits do in fact include other family members. The inclusion of parents and siblings can underline the important relationships at play, and convey the hopes and expectations that are bound up in the birth of a new child.

For families looking for newborn photography Orange County has much to offer. Professional photographers are often able to view the child from a different perspective, which results in an original portrait that expresses an individuality that others have not yet perceived. Little babies grow and change so quickly, it would be a shame not to capture their newborn essence on camera for perpetuity.

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