By Chris Smith

The studios released the Ryan Reynolds branded,thriller flick named "Buried" into movie theaters a few months ago. I finally checked it out last night,and totally agree with the top movie critics' positive assessment of the film.

I think the movie delivered a really unique story with tons of drama. However, I think I developed a case of claustrophobia by watching it and imagining if I was buried alive in a coffin. The film stars: Ryan Reynolds and Jose Maria Yazpik.

The movie revolved around character Paul Conroy (Reynolds) who is a truck driver over in Iraq,and wakes up to find himself buried alive in a coffin and tied up with nothing but a cigarette lighter,cell phone,a few glow lights,knife,and one flash light. He finds out about all these tools as the movie goes along.

He immediately starts getting scared. As the film rolls along, he eventually unties himself,gets the lighter,and calls every freakin body he knows. He gets a couple of answering machines and leaves a few messages. Then he finally gets connected with a hostage specialist in Iraq who is working bigtime trying to find him.

Paul eventually receives a few calls from his kidnappers,demanding $5 million dollars from the embassy for his release. Later on,a series of bombing events make it more difficult for the hostage specialist to find him,and the movie concludes with a shocking finale.

In my opinion the flick was great. Even though it was about a full hour and 20 minutes of just a man trapped in a coffin,it managed to show some exciting scenes. There were a few events that caused other things to enter the coffin with him that weren't good,and it was interesting to see what he did to get out of those predicaments with his very few resources.

The Buried movie damn near gave me claustrophobia just watching it because these movies are really good at bringing a person's mind into the world of it,and it was very hard to imagine being trapped in a coffin like that. It had me wondering what the hell I would do if that ever happened to me. It was quite interesting and unique. I gave it a grade A for the authenticity alone.

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