By Maisiel Towerters

It would not be wrong to say that the shoes you care for the most are the ones made of leather. Why? This is because leather is a very fine and expensive material. It was a trend in olden days that people who wore leather shoes were thought to be from respectable and rich families. Nowadays, we all love to own leather shoes because they reflect our status and pride.

Once you purchase a pair of leather shoes, you can trust on it for your life because leather is always in fashion and never goes out of guarantee. You can rely on your leather shoes for giving your persona an impressive title on various important events of your life for instance, meeting your love's family; passing a job interview; signing an important business contract etc.

Leather shoes demand a lot of care unlike your ordinary shoes. Leather is a very prestigious material and if left un-attended, it can wear out soon after purchase.

Take special care when cleaning your leather shoes. Clean them with a dry cloth very gently; so that all dust particles which are adhered to your shoes disappear. If the dust particles are stubborn, use a nylon brush instead. After this, apply wax on your leather shoes; this creates a layer on your shoes, which serves the purpose of protection against dust, water and other pollutants. It is optional to use saddle conditioner to add shine to your leather shoes.

When it is the rainy season, you should prevent wearing leather shoes because the affects caused by mud and water cannot be reversed. When mud dries up and clings tightly to your shoes; and when you put all your efforts to remove it with the help of cleaning agents, along with dirt, chips of leather also break off.

Leather shone can catch fungus easily if they are placed uncovered in the shoe rack. Also if you are not wearing your leather shoes since sometime, then there are chances that your shoes have been attacked by fungus. Fungus can be cleaned with help of any liquid cleaner and brush and by keeping in the sun light for at least one day.

For storing leather shoes in the best manner, a tip is to sprinkle some talcum powder on it, wrap in plastic and place it carefully, without causing the sides to bend, inside the shoe box.

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