By Charlotte Kaycee

Single lens reflex cameras, be it digital or film, are more dependable than point-and-shoot cameras for producing photographs as you envision them to be. What you see, is what you get because the camera view finder looks directly through the lens where the mirror will drop down to take the photo with digital SLR cameras.

It is much easier to print good quality photographs from digital memory cards than film. Digital images are a collection of pixels saved onto a card. Cards can be sent to photo services or simply placed into a computer attachment and printed from your computer. Film images must first be processed into negatives. Negatives are printed onto paper in the positive form through chemical processing. Keeping clarity in the focus, color and intensity of film is far more difficult than printing from the memory card.

Far more versatile than compact digitals, SLR digitals are like their film counterpart in the ways of optional interchangeable lenses for higher telephoto or wide-angle work. In fact, many lenses from a film SLR can be used on a new digital body.

In order to choose the right camera for you, there is a lot to consider. You need to know your comfort zone. What is comfortable for you to handle and hold in your hands. Some camera companies specialize in smaller, lighter-weight bodies. If you already have lenses from your film camera, of course, you will want to see what digital body you may be able to use them with, saving you money in replacement costs.

There are some similar and different options on digital versus film cameras to consider before you buy. Some of these include auto focus options, dust reduction systems, sensor size for image quality and live preview LCD displays. Some digital SLR camera now have video recording capabilities. Different models and makes offer different options and each option contributes to the cost of the camera.

Prices vary greatly between models of digital SLR cameras and even though prices have dropped, you should expect to pay quite a bit more than for a compact. Choose carefully between the options that you really need and what may just sound cool. There is plenty of room to grow with a digital SLR body and as your abilities develop, you will be able to build upon them and your camera.

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