By Joe Stutts

Nobody can deny it, if you want to be supporting one of the best European football teams then you have to be supporting Manchester united. It is one of the teams that has football fans from the surrounding cities and all over the world. What we need to know is to why Manchester United is perceived as being one of the best football team with one of the largest following.

It has always been the basis of argument if it is true that the fans that are from London are many compared to the fans that are from England, and not only that if you look at the worldwide fans, you will notice they are of a great number.

The fans range from those who are in support of the team be it when they are in problems and cannot manage to win the game that they are playing to those fans who are supporting the team just because they know they often have a winning streak so they love to be associated with the glory.

Television networks have not been left behind with the winning streak of this club, in fact most of them ensure that they are able to broadcast all the matches of Manchester united to their fans so that they can be able to increase the number of viewers who like watching their television network.

The viewers once they are able to see a Manchester united game they become convinced to watch the next match since they would love to see their favorite team win the game.

It has also convinced most companies to become sponsors of these matches when they team up with the broadcasters and even go a step further to do some advertising. During the half time since they know most people are viewing the game.

The truth is nobody wants to be associated with a team that is always losing since every one want s opt be associated and celebrate success.

Especially people who are in countries where the football game is not well nurtured and it does not please them, they end up being by circumstances to support Manchester united.

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