By Faye Briggs

Most often when one thinks of dress ties for men, one does not think of knitted neckies. However, new 6.5 cm, square tip neckties are becoming more popular than ever for men and women alike. As such, if one is in the market for such a necktie, one may want to consider looking at many online and local outlets in order to find the best selection available on such products.

In addition, whether looking for such a tie for a special occasion, or for everyday wear, there are a number of fabrics, sizes and styles in such ties from which to choose. In fact, when it comes to women, one can often wear such ties, not only as a scarf or tie but also as a belt. As such, if one is planning to wear such a tie as a belt or other fashion accessory, one may want to assure that the length of the belt is large enough so that it properly fits around the waist.

Of course, there are some important features one may want to look for when obtaining or shopping for such ties. For example, as there are knitted scarves and ties made of many different colors, fabrics and patterns, one may want to have an idea of what type of material one would like such a tie to be made of. After which, one may want to look at a specialty store which sells fabrics such as silk or wool, or at a local department or discount store, if one is looking for a variety of ties which may be more affordable.

In addition, whether man, woman or child, such neckties should never be worn to bed. For, in doing so, the tie could get caught on a bed post or piece of bedding and wrap around the neck. As such, to protect oneself from accidental strangulation, it is best to always remove any neckties or jewelry from the neck before retiring for the evening.

However, before giving anyone any item made of fabric such as wool or silk, one may want to assure that the person has no allergies to such fabrics. Although, most often if such ties are purchased new, one can often return same for a full refund. However, if one is buying such a tie at a fair or festival, or from a friend, returning the item may pose more difficult. As such, before buying any form of fabric oriented gift, one may want to assure that the recipient has no such allergies, whether by asking the person directly, or, by asking a mutual friend if such a gift is a surprise.

In addition, depending on the style of the scarf or necktie, one may want to assure that such a tie fits oneself or others properly. Of course, this is especially true in the case of children where one may be wearing a dress tie under a collared shirt. For, while most adults are good to leave such ties tied, children often like to loosen such ties, at times to the point where such a tie if not careful, can become a choking or hanging hazard.

Therefore, although such knitted neckies and scarves often make good gifts for both men and women, most often such ties are purchased for men. However, when it comes to knitted scarves in which to keep warm, one can often find such knitted neckties for children as well as men and women. Of course, regardless to the color, fabric or style, the most important aspect of such a tie is that one fit properly.

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