By Shannon Hilson

Silver briefcases are known to steal the scene in a number of Hollywood movies. The shiny look and sleek features are usually seen at the climax of the movie with background music adding tension to the mounting conclusion. However, this setting has become a bit monotonous and the 'wow' feeling that people would usually get when they see silver briefcases goes unperceived. The cry now is for Hollywood to exchange them for gold briefcases or wooden briefcases. If the idea is taken seriously, then some of the stars and singers that will really rock with gold briefcases are:

Vin Diesel

Vin Diesel is known as an action hero that is more of a bad boy of the industry and this is the main reason why people really did not like his performance in the movie the Pacifier. On the other hand there were quite a few people who really appreciated his role in the movie; those who found him to be cute exchanging machine guns and heavy artillery for dirty diapers. However, all this has not dampened his personality and there is still a lot of speculation as to what the people sitting in Hollywood would do with the boy with the muscular looks, flattering smile and serious face. The truth is that most of the people would like to see him in his traditional form popping into a fight with heavy artillery and a gold briefcase with hard cash in it surrounded by bad guys and a bit of urgency in the air with people anticipating his next sudden and unpredictable move.

Lady Gaga

Whether she is performing or not, Lady Gaga is bound to glitter with her gold briefcase. The original costumes that she makes for herself and her thirst for attracting thousands of people to her concerts and performances whether or not the people coming to see her hear the message behind her songs. This does not mean that all her videos get the kind of attention that she anticipates. For example the music video for the song Alejandro where the singer pops out guns from her bra could have been much better if there was gold briefcase which could add more meaning to the theme of the song. The hair style, the makeup and the body language all could be very easily attributed to the mafia style but there was something missing from the scene that could have been present if a few gold briefcases were present to pass on the correct message to the viewers.

Snoop Dogg

A few of the typical scenes in a Snoop Dogg video include hair plaited in cornrows and smoke hanging above his head from a marijuana stick. Added to all this is large cars, mansions and an attitude that you own the world. These are some of the scenes that are common to the videos of Snoop Dos, Busta Rhymes and many other rap singers. However, in all that show of wealth and power that is being portrayed in the songs, the one thing that is missing is gold briefcases filled with diamonds and hard cash to show to the world and the people. Sadly almost all of the rappers use silver briefcases instead of gold ones, thus making the scene plain old boring and unexciting. Hopefully in the next video clip, Snoop Dogg will consider the possibility of using a gold briefcase to project all his wealth and fame to all the fans out there.

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