'Unstoppable' Movie Review

Posted by Georgy | 2/07/2011

By Chris Smith

'Unstoppable' action/drama movie was recently released into theaters by 20th Century Fox two months ago. I finally got to watch it,and must say that it was a very,very good movie.

I liked this entire movie from beginning to end. It delivered a lot of "edge of your seat" scenes,along with high drama and action. The flick stars: Denzel Washington, Chris Pine, Rosario Dawson,and Kevin Chapman.

The movie is based on true events and revolved around character Frank who's a veteran train engineer and a young conductor named Will . The two of them start off on a bumpy path, relationship wise, because Frank is a little upset that they're giving good jobs to the new younger guys with less actual experience. However, they manage to get along good enough to get the train moving on course.

Meanwhile, a very dumb train driver named Dewey (Suplee) decides to hop out of his train while it's still moving to pull a switch. The train ends up getting away from him with the air breaks detached and the controls set to full throttle. Railroad controller named Connie (Dawson) is made aware of the problem and tries to set some stops in place.

The unmanned,moving train gets to the point where it picks up too much speed for the stops to work. Corporate ignores Connie's advice to try and derail the train before it makes its way to crowded towns. They try to slow it down from the front,but that fails to work,and the train starts heading for a fatal destination.

Frank and Will make a heroic decision to go after the train in an effort to attach and stop it from the back with a single,car train. After a high intense chase to attach the car to the train,they find out that it has to much power for them to stop it,and that's when the real action begins.

The two of them climbed over train cars,pulled the breaks on every car individually,and finally got to the front of the train to stop it. And they were,of course, being covered by lots of TV news stations. I really dug this movie. It was highly entertaining.

The film was quite simple and to the point. The dangerous train,full of explosives, was on the loose,and they needed to stop it. They were able to do it with "edge of your seat" action with a great storyline that left me saying, "Whoa, that was cool." I gave this movie an A+ grade for sure.

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